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ROOM 209

1.  CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Boodry began the meeting at 7:30pm.  Members present:  
     B. Boodry, S. Bowman, B. Piepho, S. Howard, J. Briody, G. Petriccione, R. Carley, and
    B. Woermer
    Absent Members:  J. Simmons, J. Ginnetty, and L. Leaden

2.  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  G. Knoecklein, C. Lee (DEP), and G. Bollard (FOTL)

A motion was made by B. Piepho, seconded by R. Carley, to move to Agenda Item #1 under New Business.  Motion was passed unanimously.

1.  Presentation by George Knoecklein:  (questions and answers) G. Knoecklein gave a
     PowerPoint presentation on the 2010 Lake Lillinonah Authority Quality Testing Results to the
     members.  Some of the topics discussed were:  Existing monitoring program, 2009 & 2010.
     water trends, CT DEP Lake Trophic Categories, 2007, 2008, 2009, & 2010 Lake Lillinonah
     water temperatures, water temperatures profiles near the Dam, dissolved oxygen trends, 2010
    Lake Lillinonah oxygen concentrations, dissolved oxygen profiles near Shepaug Dam; dissolved
    oxygen profiles at RT. 133 Bridge, dissolved oxygen percent saturation, water clarity readings-
    Secchi disk depth, relationship between phosphorus and water clarity, Lake Lillinonah Authority
    Secchi depths, Lake Lillilnonah Authority Secchi depths in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, etc.
   A copy of this presentation will be attached to the minutes.

    C. Lee (DEP) stated that there is no money left to fund G. Knoecklein for monitoring in 2011.

    Meeting paused for a 5 minutes recess at 9:35pm.  Meeting reconvened at 9:40pm.
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by S. Bowman, seconded by R. Carley,             
    to approve the minutes from the January 4, 2011 Lake Lillinonah Regular Meeting.  Motion
    was approved unanimously.

     CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Boodry stated that he has created the LLA Annual    
     Report.   This report was emailed to the town’s First Selectmen.  A copy of this report will be
    attached to the minutes and will be placed on the website.  Chairman Boodry distributed a copy
     of the Zebra Task Force Recommendations.  G. Bollard stated that he would prepare a
     10-15 minute Power Point presentation on Zebra Mussels for next month’s meeting.  B. Boodry
     will add G. Bollard as an agenda item for next month’s meeting.  He also stated that boats should
     decontaminate their boats before entering the Lake and decontaminate their boats after exiting
     the Lake.  On Friday through Sunday the DEP will have boat inspectors posted to question
     boaters as to what Lake they came from and where they are going.


Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, March 1, 2011            Page Two

    The Debris Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at the First
     Light Office in New Milford from 10:00am until 12:00pm.   Chairman Boodry and B. Piepho  
     will attend the meeting.  
     Chairman Boodry gave an update on Debris Statistics between May 10th and Sept 16th.  He stated
     that Lockhart Environmental operated the debris skimmer for 41 days removing 770 cubic
     yards of debris from the lake.  In addition Lockhart Environmental operated First Light’s
     pontoon on five occasions to assist with hazardous floating debris.  Chairman Boodry said he
     will report to the Authority after the March 29, 2011 meeting.  The Authority commended First
     Light and Power for their efforts in cleaning up the debris in the Lake.
    Chairman Boodry has not been provided a copy of the Tree Methodology Study, but will try to
     secure a copy.
    Chairman Boodry stated that the USGS is putting together a proposal for a loading study.

    VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  G. Pettricone stated that he has not heard from Brunswick
      Boat regarding the Justice Boat purchase.
      SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons was not present for the meeting.  No
      report was given.

    TREASURER’S REPORT:  No report was given.

    2.  Zebra Mussel Update:  This Agenda Item was discussed in Agent Item #4 under Chairman’s
    a.  Grant Proposal from CLA:  Chairman Boodry discussed the scope of work for the zebra
          mussel study noting that this is a proposal for a  pilot zebra mussel early detection/monitoring   
          program for  Lakes Candlewood, Lillinonah and Zoar for the May thru September 2011
          season.  A motion was made by R. Carley, seconded by S. Ward, to approve $500.00 to fund       
          the study as described, pending grant approval towards the study, and the monies are to come
          from the current 2010 budget year under water quality.   Motion was passed unanimously.
         Lake Lillinonah Authority’s contribution will go towards the student stipend section of the

    3.  Correspondence:  Correspondence was received from the Town of New Milford
          re-appointing S. Ward for a four year term; and correspondence regarding permits for   
          Regattas for Dartmouth and Canterbury Schools.

    1.  Member/Town Obligations Regarding Budgets:  Member/Town Obligations Regarding
          Budgets was discussed.

    2.  Marine Patrol Schedules for 2011:  Chairman Boodry stated that he will speak to K. Seeley
          regarding the Marine Patrol Officers not working the hours.  Patrol is from June thru August;
          which entails 12 weekends, plus holidays.  A suggestion was to have a requirement for
          marine patrol officers to sign up for so many patrols (hours) a season. If this requirement is
          not fulfilled, the officer will be placed on probation and will need to make up the hours next
          year. If after two years the hours are not completed, the officer will be off the patrol.  Credit
    Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, March 1, 2011                Page Three
          will be given if there is a cancelllation due to inclement weather.  Chairman Boodry has asked
          the members to contact him with any feedback.  Chairman Boodry will also speak to
           K. Seeley regarding hiring more marine patrol officers.  This item will be placed on next
           month’s agenda and voted on.

    3.  Annual Report:  This agenda item was discussed in Agenda Item # 4 under Chairman’s    

    4.  Vacancies:  Chairman Boodry reported the town vacancies; 2 seats in Newtown, 1 seat in
          Bridgewater, 1 seat in New Milford, and 1 seat in Southbury

    5.  Water Quality Efforts for 2011:  Chairman Boodry stated that there is an option that may be
          available for a potentially new treatment that promises the immediate effects of                    
          copper sulfate with long lasting potential of alum.   This treatment is not yet available in CT.  
          Pricing will be available shortly.
         B. Piepho made a request to add an additional $2500 to fish stocking to be taken out of the
         water quality treatment that was done performed in September to purchase 200 Northern Pike.  
         The benefit of these fish are that they eat the White Perch which are abundant in the Lake.  

          A motion was made by R. Carley, seconded by S. Ward, to approve $2500 to come out of
          either surplus from this year of from next year’s budget to purchase 200  Northern Pike.  
          Motion was passed unanimously.

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by J. Briody, seconded by B. Piepho, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 10:15 pm.